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Date : 2016-02-23
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Rating : 5.0
Reviews : 78
Category : Book

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Ida Always by Caron Levis Goodreads ~ Ida Always by Caron Levis is a powerful childrens picture book that I had a hard time finishing because I was overcome with emotion Now that weve read it a handful of times its a pleasure This is a story for all ages and deals with grief and loss The illustrations are beautiful and make the story feel heartfelt and present
Ida Always Book by Caron Levis Charles Santoso ~ More than any other book on loss Ida Always manages to tell a story that is just as good at comforting a child experiencing loss as it is at explaining loss to a child who has yet to experience it This second quality lifts Ida Always into being “a book for every child””
Storypath » Ida Always ~ Ida Always is an excellent vehicle for acknowledging the reality of death and life The statement that ends the book is not quite accurate the memory of Ida not Ida is present
Ida Always Caron Levis Charles Santoso 9781481426404 ~ Ida Always by Caron Levis and illustrated by Charles Santoso is a sweet twohankie picture book that depicts how loved one’s imprint in our world and on our hearts remains after they die It deals with death that acknowledges the sadness and grief and celebrates life and relationships
Ida Always Book Review Common Sense Media ~ Parents need to know that Ida Always by Caron Levis is a sensitive guide for helping children better understand grief and the book is certain to lead to questions and conversation about loss Its a nuanced moving story anyone can appreciate but it can be especially helpful for families anticipating a significant loss or for helping kids through grief
Ida Always caronlevis ~ Ida Always is an exquisitely told story of two best friends—inspired by a real bear friendship—and a gentle moving needed reminder that loved ones lost will stay in our hearts always
IDA ALWAYS by Caron Levis Charles Santoso Kirkus Reviews ~ ’ ” The final image shows Gus beneath a cloud shaped like a lone bear The text says “And Ida is right there Always” If the text is occasionally sentimental or overwritten the pictures are so simple they’re heartbreaking Picture book 48
Ida Always by Caron Levis Mr Wils Read Alouds VSBA 201819 ~ This touching story is about Central Park Zoos former polar bear Gus as he copes with the declining health and the death of his beloved friend Ida Check Caron Leviss book on Amazon https
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